Vienna : Austrian Foreign Minister Ursula Plasnik is due to take part in the international conference for aiding the Palestinians due to start in Paris later on Monday in response to an invitation from French President Nicolas Sarkozy.
The minister, in a statement, posted on her website on Monday, expressed hope that the donors’ would allocate new financial aid for the Palestinian people to help boost efforts for resolving the Middle East crisis.
She indicated that the conference in the French capital constituted a form of follow-up to the Annapolis conference, held last month, when the Palestinians and Israelis agreed on dates for holding negotiations on final status issues.
Plasnik expressed hope that the Palestinians would use the allotted funds “in a reasonable way,” and indicated at development schemes, worked out by Palestinian government of Salam Fayyad for the next three years.
The donors are expected to specialized 3.9 billion euros in aid for the Palestinians at the scheduled conference, due to group representatives of 80 states.