Milestones in India’s diplomacy in 2007


New Delhi : The following were the major events in the Indian diplomatic calendar in 2007:

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Jan 11-13: Prime Minister Manmohan Singh visits Cebu in the Philippines to attend the India-ASEAN and East Asia Summit.

Jan 13-15: External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee visits Pakistan.

Jan 25-26: Russian President Vladimir Putin visits India; chief guest at the Republic Day function.

Feb 8: India, Bhutan sign a revised version of Friendship Treaty that modernises ties between the two neighbours.

Feb 19: Blasts in cross-border Samjhauta train, 64 killed, mostly Pakistanis.

Feb 21: India and Pakistan hold joint commission meeting in India, (then) Foreign Minister Khurshid Mehmood Kasuri visits India.

March 6: India and Pakistan hold their first meeting of the joint anti-terror mechanism, set up in Havana last year.

March 14: India, Pakistan launch fourth round of composite dialogue.

April 1-4: India hosts 14th SAARC summit in New Delhi.

June 8: Manmohan Singh attends G-8 summit in Heiligendamm, Germany.

July 27: India and the US issue a joint statement on the conclusion of the 123 bilateral civil nuclear cooperation agreement.

Aug 21-23: (Then) Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe visits India.

Oct 10: External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee meets IAEA chief Mohammed ElBaradei.

Oct 14-16 – Manmohan Singh visits Nigeria – the first visit by an Indian prime minister to Africa’s most populous country and the continent’s leading oil producer in 45 years.

Oct 17: Manmohan Singh attends summit of IBSA countries comprising India, Brazil and South Africa.

Oct 22: India and Pakistan hold second meeting of joint terror mechanism.

Oct 29- Nov 1: German Chancellor Angela Merkel visits India.

Nov 20-21: Manmohan visits Singapore to attend ASEAN and East Asia summits.

Nov 11-1: Manmohan Singh visits Russia; India, Russia sign four pacts.

Nov 22-25: Manmohan attends the Commonwealth summit.

Nov 24: India’s high commissioner to Britain, Kamalesh Sharma, elected Commonwealth’s secretary general.

Nov 27: Lok Sabha debates nuclear deal.

Nov 30: India and the EU hold their eighth summit.

Dec 3-4: Rajya Sabha debates India-US nuclear deal.

Dec 7: SAARC Foreign Ministers meet in New Delhi.