Azad says NC’s vote for Patil shows its wisdom

‘If you have list of corrupt people hand it over to proper forum’: CM

News Agency of Kashmir
Srinagar : Jammu Kashmir Chief Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad today welcomed the decision of National Conference to vote for UPA candidate for President’s post, Mrs. Pratibha Patil, saying it showed the wisdom of the State’s major opposition party.

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Talking with media persons after casting his vote in the election for the highest constitutional position in the country here, Azad said National Conference had rightly realized not to make the President’s post a matter of controversy.

“I wish that other political parties, especially the Third Front had also thought in the same way�, the Chief Minister added.

Azad said it was a matter of satisfaction that the ruling coalition, opposition and independents in Jammu & Kashmir had all voted for the same candidate. He said this showed that the leadership and political parties here were driven by the desire and urge to strengthen secularism by voting the candidate of a secular combine. All the three regions of the State were together on this account, he added.

“This is a significant political message for all political parties in the country�, Azad said adding, “such unity was imperative for the very existence of the State and secular traditions�.

Asked how he felt on NC joining the Congress on this issue, the Chief Minister said it was always nice if all parties joined together for a good cause. He said even as the parties had different points of view and functioned independent of each other it was important to work in tandem for the interest of the country and the State.

When asked if he saw the NC-Congress unity on Presidential polls going any further, the Chief Minister retorted, “Whatever is in the interest of the State and the country, the more we do it, the better�.

When his attention was drawn to the NC President’s claim that he was in possession of a list of corrupt politicians and would hand it over to the Chief minister if asked, Azad replied, “Nobody needs to hand over the list to me�. He said there were statutory bodies like the Accountability Commission and Vigilance Organization to deal with cases of corruption of politicians and government officials, respectively and if anybody had a list of corrupt persons he should get in touch with the respective organization.

Chief Minister also replied questions on development of Jammu & Kashmir and his government’s efforts to promote work culture and corruption-free atmosphere. He said the huge amount of funds received by the State from the central government over and above its annual plan had put the officials on the ground in a peculiar situation for they were not used to spend money in such a large measure. He said this would take some time for them to adjust to a new situation.

However, he categorically said that he would not allow spending of funds on paper. “If I allow paper spending the money would be expended within a day�, he said adding, “it has to be spent on ground�.

Azad did not agree with a reporter who suggested that the construction agencies like JKPCC were ignored in preference to outside agencies. He said the hands of the JKPCC were full and the corporation had enough work at hand for the next 10 years.

In reply to a question on the transfer of Dul Hasti power project to the State, Chief Minister said that his government had been requesting the Prime Minister for the transfer and the Rangarajan Committee appointed by Dr. Manmohan Singh had also made similar recommendation. However, he said unless the union power ministry also agreed, the project could not be transferred to the State.