Arab peace follow-up committee to discuss Palestine, MID East in Cairo

By NNN-Saba

Sana'a : The Arab Peace Follow-Up Committee would convene in Cairo on July 30 to discuss the present situations of Palestine and the latest developments regarding the Middle East peace process.

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Speaking to Saba, Minister of Foreign Affairs Abu Bakr al-Qirbi made it clear that the committee would focus discussions around results of the Arab diplomatic move of the previous months to evaluate them and set out future related plans.

Al-Qirbi warned the two Palestinian opposite movements of Fatah and Hamas against continuing political dispute as it splits the Palestinian national unity, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, weakens the Arab stance to find out a just compromise between Palestine and Israel as a step ahead to realize a Syrian-Lebanese end for disagreement.

He hoped that the Palestinian factions adopt dialogue and logic approach to contribute to bridging the gap among them to reinforce their role in encountering the Israeli plots to thwart peace process and the Arab Peace Initiative as well.

Arab diplomatic move along with the Quartet, the EU and peace supporting countries have formed a remarkable move towards achieving peace process in the Middle East, al-Qirbi said.

According to the Arab Peace Follow-up Committee assignment, the Egyptian and Jordanian foreign ministers visited on Wednesday Western Quds (Jerusalem) to convey the Arab stance on peace process, and are waiting to report on the visit to committee in the next meeting on Monday.