Activists of 18 banned groups on watch list in Pakistan

By Xinhua

Islamabad : Pakistani security agencies are monitoring over 2,000 activists of 18 banned organizations to curb terrorist activities in the country, media reported Wednesday.

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The government has put these names on a watch list, barring them from leaving their hometowns without permission of the district coordination officers concerned, said an interior ministry spokesman.

"People on the watch list have submitted affidavits, giving assurance to limit their involvement in political activities, public meetings, anti-government campaigns and even travel outside their home-towns without prior permission," DAWN newspaper quoted spokesman Brigadier Javed Iqbal Cheema as saying.

"If they are found to be involved in violating pledges on the affidavits, they can be arrested under the Anti-Terrorism Act," he said.

The organizations banned in Pakistan include: Al Qaeda, Lashkar-e-Jhangvi, Sipah-e-Muhammad Pakistan, Jaish-e-Mohammad, Lashkar-e-Taiba, Sipah-e-Sahiba Pakistan, Tehrik-e-Jafriya, Tehrik Nifaz Shariat-e-Muhammadi, Tehrik-e-Islam (formerly known as Tehrik-e-Jafriya Pakistan), Millat-e-Islamia Pakistan (formerly known as Sipah-e-Sahiba Pakistan), Islami Tehrik Pakistan, Jamiatul Ansar, Jamiatul Furqan, Hizbul Tehrir, Khair-un-Naas International Trust, Balochistan Liberation Army and Islamic Students Movement of Pakistan.

Activists of the Sunni Tehrik and the Jamaat-ul-Dawa are also under strict surveillance, the report added.