By Xinhua
Gaza : A spokesman for Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) clarified on Thursday it will not impose its Islamic thoughts on Gaza people.
    "We are not going to be like Taliban (in Afghanistan) … We will spread Islam in a very civilized way to make this home safe," Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoom told the press.
    Barhoom made the promise after Nezzar Rayyan, a Hamas leader in northern Gaza Strip, vowed to "clean Gaza from secularism", which have created fears among the people.
    Barhoom assured the people that Hamas was a democratic movement with a moderate agenda. "We even have not tried to reinforce this after our winning of the parliamentary elections."
    As most of security compounds, which belong to President Mahmnoud Abbas' secular Fatah, are falling in Hamas' grip, Barhoom said these measures were meant to protect the "Palestinian legitimacy."
    "We want the aid to flow through the legitimate channels instead of going to the criminals," said Barhoom, referring the U.S. support of Fatah forces.
    Defeating Fatah, Hamas won elections in 2006 and formed a government that failed due to the Western fiscal siege.
    In March, a coalition government between Hamas and Fatah took office, but the two factions continued fight over security control.