‘Chemical Ali’ defiant as he receives death sentence


Baghdad/Cairo : Iraq's special tribunal Sunday found five defendants guilty in the late-1980s campaign against the Kurds, sentencing three to death and two to life prison terms. A sixth man was acquitted for lack of evidence.

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Ali Hassan al-Majid, a cousin of Saddam Hussein better known as "Chemical Ali", was sentenced to death for his role in the genocide against Kurds in the infamous Anfal (Spoils) campaign waged by Saddam Hussein's Baath regime as the Iraq-Iran War was nearing its end.

Also sentenced to death were former defence minister Sultan Hashim Ahmad and former assistant to the Iraqi army's chief of staff, general Hussein Rashid Mohamed al-Takriti.

The court served life prison terms to Sabir Abdel-Aziz al-Douri, former chief of military intelligence during the Anfal Campaign, and Farhan Motlek al-Jabouri, also a top military intelligence figure.

One defendant, Taher Tawfiq al-A'ni, who was the governor of Mosul at the time of the campaign, was acquitted for insufficient evidence.

While listening as the judge read out the sentence, al-Majid interrupted him with shouts of "Long live the Baath Party," and "Long live the glorious Iraqi army."

The trial began in August 2006. Sunday's session was its 61st session, dedicated to sentencing the six top defendants. A total of 432 defendants are standing trial in the Anfal Case.

When the trial started, Saddam was also one of the accused, but he was hanged last December 30 on a guilty verdict from his trial for the massacre of Shias in Dujail in 1982.

An estimated 180,000 Kurds were killed in Saddam's drive under the code-name Anfal, when the Iraqi army allegedly carried out a scorched-earth campaign, including poison gas attacks, against hundreds of villages in the Kurdish region in 1987-1988.

During the trial al-Majid insisted on his innocence despite a mass of eyewitness, tape recordings and documented evidence against him. He said he was only carrying out Saddam's orders or else he himself would have been killed.