Urdu dailies point “Hindu extremists’ hand”? in Makkah Masjid blast

By TwoCircles.net staff reporter

New Delhi : In the opinion articles published in Urdu dailies Akhbar-e-Mashriq and Hindustan Express here Sunday, the leader writers have pointed their fingers towards Hindu extremist organisations for exploding bomb blast in the historic Makkah Masjid of Hyderabad.

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In his article "Makkah Masjid: Who is Responsible for the Blast?" in Akhbar-e-Mashriq, Dr. Nasr Firdausi, though he agrees to part of the police version that the blast was "organised," has expressed utter surprise on how the police and state machinery was quick to name Harkatul Jihad and Simi as responsible for the blast. "Their approach is crooked, hearts biased and the statement full of hatred towards Muslims," he writes.

Citing various terror incidents at places like Akshardham Temple, Varanasi Temple, Mumbai railway station, Jama Masjid Delhi, Makkah Masjid Hyderabad, he wonders why senior IPS officers do not find the hand of Rashtriya Swayam Sevak Sangh, Vishwa Hindu Parishad, Bajrang Dal or Shiv Sena in such terror incidents despite solid proofs. He goes on to say, "Police officers today are sons of Sangh Parivar. How will they say anything about their Parivar?"

He suggests to the government to suspend such police officers who are quick to make statements without any investigation, and enquire about them where they had been educated, where they had been living for the last few years, who are their relations and where their spouses have come from.

In his column Fikr-e-Farda in Hindustan Express Ahmad Javed has discussed Makkah Masjid blast's link with Gujarat rather than Pakistan, Bangladesh or Saudi Arabia. He is of the opinion that Makkah Masjid blast aimed at affecting the ongoing investigations into the Sohrabuddin Sheikh fake encounter case.

In another article in the Express, All India Milli Council general secretary Dr. Manzoor Alam has referred to the findings of Hindu extremists' hand in Nanded and other blast incidents in Maharashtra, and laments that no one refers to these findings while discussing identical incidents. "No statement is made to the effect that in this case Hindu extremist organisations might be involved," he writes.

Dr. Alam then asks, "Have President of the Republic, UPA chairperson and Prime Minister – all have been taken hostage by some vested interests? Have they no power to act on their own will?"

The Milli Council leader came heavily down upon the impotency of the government authorities to nail these terrorists: "It seems the government machinery has been taught Muslim enmity as a matter of government policy. The police and bureaucracy of any State are no exception to this Muslim-enmity policy. And the centre is after all centre. It is as if killing and harassing Muslims has become a question of "national interest". If this is the national interest, what interest the oppressed lot of the country will have in this national interest? The interest of self-seekers, fascists and enemies of humanity has come to be said as national interest but it can never be national interest in the real sense of the term."