Australian team on business, education mission to India

By Neena Bhandari, IANS

Sydney : Premier Morris Iemma of New South Wales (NSW) is leading a high-level business and education mission to India and China to generate new investment opportunities for the state in the world’s emerging economic superpowers.

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India has become the fastest growing export market for NSW. Iemma said: “The mission is a great opportunity to promote Australian and NSW companies in the increasingly competitive Indian market.”

“Building our relationships with India and China is essential for the continued prosperity of the state. Now is the time to leverage the myriad business, trade and tourism opportunities in these two countries.”

A delegation of 45 companies and 12 universities will be in Delhi and Mumbai Nov 21-22.

The delegation includes high-profile corporate entities such as BHP Billiton, Qantas, Thiess Leighton, AMP, Westpac (which has just opened its first office in India), Dickson Rothschild (currently designing the new airport for New Delhi) and Woolworths (which has a joint venture with the Tatas).

The delegation also comprises, for the first time, all NSW universities, who are aiming to build stronger education and research links with India, the second largest source of international students to NSW and Australia.

Business delegation leader and emeritus chairman of the Australia India Business Council (AIBC) Neville Roach said the large delegation accompanying the premier was “the strongest possible expression that NSW is engaged with the world’s emerging economic superpowers”.

Construction companies, including Multiplex and Bilfinger Berger Australia, and Tourism providers, including Stella Travel and Showboat Magistic Cruises, are also joining the mission.

Iemma said: “Our message will be that NSW is a strong and diverse economy. Our international brand is Sydney — a well-loved city as a tourist destination but not yet recognised as it should be as a hub for business investment, education and innovation.”

The premier will launch a new website,, which has been developed as an entry point to Sydney and NSW for international audiences.

“It’s time we drove the message home that NSW is open for business. Sydney is Australia’s financial centre, and is internationally loved; so this website will help strengthen opportunities for the NSW economy,” Iemma said.

In New Delhi, the premier will attend a business briefing hosted by Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Ficci), besides meeting other business and education leaders.

He will also meet vice-president M.H. Ansari, who was Indian High Commissioner to Australia in the late 1980s.

Iemma will attend a roundtable on collaborative innovation, hosted by Confederation of Indian Industries (CII) in Mumbai and meet representatives of Tata Consultancy Services at IT campus in Banyan Park.