Lhasa violence part of Dalai clique’s plot: China

By Xinhua

Beijing : China said Tuesday there are proofs that the March 14 Lhasa violence was part of the “Tibetan people’s uprising movement” staged by the Dalai Lama clique.

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The “movement” aimed at creating a crisis in China by coordinated sabotage in Tibet, interior ministry spokesman Wu Heping told a press conference.

He said that police have captured the primary suspects who allegedly organized, planned and participated in the March 14 violence in Tibet’s capital city.

“The suspects are closely connected with the Dalai clique,” he said.

The capture had led to the exposure of a network operated by an official from the “security ministry” of the Dalai Lama clique, according to Wu.

He said that police in Lhasa had captured the key figure who was directly related to the Lhasa violence.

“The suspect has confessed to his part in organizing, planning and implementing the Lhasa violence on March 14, inspired by an official of the Dalai clique,” Wu said.

According to Wu, seven Tibetan separatist organisations held a press conference in New Delhi in January when they issued the so-called “Declaration of Tibetan People’s Uprising Movement” and then posted it on the Internet.

The organizations are Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibetan Women’s Association, Students for a Free Tibet, the Gu-Chu-Sum Movement of Tibet, National Democratic Party of Tibet, the International Tibet Support Network and the Tibetan Writers Organization, he said.

The so-called “declaration” claims that the “Tibetan People’s Uprising Movement” is “a global movement of Tibetans inside and outside Tibet” who aim to “create a crisis for China by awakening and coordinating actions in Tibet”, Wu said, the spokesman said.