Anti-terrorism decree to figure in Jamiat’s Delhi conclave


New Delhi : Anti-terrorism decree and the situation in Palestine and Iraq will figure prominently at Saturday’s emergency national meeting of Jamiat Ulema-i-Hind (JUH) here.

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Action plan for more anti-terror meets in the country will also be discussed.

The meet will also elect Maulana Quari Usman, deputy rector of Deoband’s Darul Uloom, as the new president of the JUH. He will succeed Maulana Arshad Madani, who has been expelled as the chief of the organisation.

“The meet will approve the recent decree of Darul Uloom that any form of violence, including terrorism, was anti-Islam. The deliberation will also condemn the situation arising out of the US and Israeli intervention in Iraq and Palestine,” Rajya Sabha member and JUH general secretary Maulana Mahmood Madani told IANS.

“With great efforts, we successfully organised the first anti-terror meet in Darul Uloom, where we unequivocally declared that Islam was against any kind of violence, of which terrorism is the worst manifestation,” said Madani.

He said the JUH was committed to organise many more such deliberations across the country so that the people should know that Islam did not approve of terrorism.

“Those indulging in the acts of terrorism have got nothing to do with Islam, which teaches amity, brotherhood and fraternity. Unfortunately, there are always attempts to paint Islam in a bad colour by some vested interests.”

The JUH, a leading organisation of Indian Muslims with members from across the country, was in the thick of controversy over intra-organisation bickering. Around 2,000 representatives will participate in Saturday’s conclave.

“The democratic spirit in the organisation has to be maintained at any costs. There were nefarious attempts to vitiate the JUH’s established democratic values,” said Niaz Farooqui, JUH secretary.

The organisation was instrumental in conducting the Feb 25 meet at Darul Uloom, Deoband, in Uttar Pradesh, where the clerics termed violence and terrorism as anti-Islam and anti-national.

The decree drew laurels from across the quarters, while many others doubted the efficacy of the decree in view of the jihadi propaganda practiced by Maulana Masood Azhar and Lashkar-e-Toiba’s Syed Hafeez Saeed.

The resolution adopted at the Deoband meet demanded that the government should check those maligning madarssas and Muslims, saying that no community should be subjected to adverse profiling.

“It appeals to them (Muslims) to fully understand the alarming situation… and feel the pulse of present so that they might not be employed as tools by anti-Islamic or anti-national forces,” the resolution had said.