Cuban UNESCO for Southern Teamwork

By Marlen Borges, Prensa Latina

Paris : Cuba defended at UNESCO the need to foster South-South cooperation to counteract the inequalities caused by globalization, which work against underdeveloped nations.

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In her speech at the 179th meeting of the Executive Council members, Cuban delegate Maria de los Angeles Flores called for a halt to brain drain from southern countries.

“Our country condemns the unfair practice of wealthy nations drawing professionals from developing countries, because it deprives us of competition and talent, which are the largest treasure to guarantee sustainable human development,” she stated.

As an example of the South-South and South-North cooperation, Flores said Cuba will put at the service of the UNESCO the Cuban literacy method “Yo Si Puedo” (Yes, I Can), already implemented in 28 countries and benefiting over three million people.

She said it would be an organizational achievement to be able to say that everyone knows how to read and write, that the millennium goal has been reached, but lamented this issue is not stil of general interest.

The UNESCO office director in Cuba said that her country invites international cooperation with equity, development and sustainability, faced with the seriousness of climate change.

She noted that Cuba is in favor of Internet democratization and must stop unilateral and arbitrary measures that violate international law and the UN Charter.

Flores supported the declaration adopted by Non-Aligned Movement ministries in the framework of the Ministerial Meeting on Human Rights and Cultural Diversity held in Teheran, Iran, in 2007.

The Executive Council of the UN Education, Science and Culture Organization will meet in this capital next week.