Russia says ready to provide support for Cyprus peace talks

By RIA Novosti

Athens : Russia will provide all the support it can to try and reach a peace settlement for Cyprus, the deputy foreign minister said on Thursday.

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“We are happy that an opportunity to start negotiations emerged after a meeting in Cyprus between the two leaders, where they agreed to resume talks,” Vladimir Titov said.

Greek Cypriot President Demetris Christofias and Turkish Cypriot leader Mehmet Ali Talat agreed on March 21 to resume peace talks to reunify the divided island, paving the way for a Turkish bid to join the European Union.

Titov held talks with Greek Foreign Minister Theodora Bakoyianni earlier on Thursday. The Russian diplomat said Russia and Greece supported the efforts to reach an agreement under the aegis of the UN.

The Russian diplomat will fly to Ankara later in the day, and will visit Cyprus next week.

“I will visit Cyprus next week and will be able to meet with the Cypriot community leaders. Russia is trying to provide utmost support,” Titov said.

The island has been divided since a Turkish invasion in 1974 following a brief Greek-Cypriot coup to unify the island. The north is occupied by Turkey, while the entire island is technically part of the European Union represented by Greek Cypriots.

The peace talks between the two sides have been effectively frozen since 2004 when Greek Cypriots voted against a UN reunification plan, which was backed by the Turkish side.