Kasargod (Kerala) : Kerala Home Minister Kodiyeri Balakrishnan said here Saturday that police would take tough measures, including opening fire, to restore peace in the state’s Kasargod district, where four people have died in communal clashes since Tuesday.
“In the event of any violent incidents, police have been asked to take any measures to contain it. Police are authorised to open fire if violence takes place in their presence,” Balakrishnan told reporters.
He held a three-hour meeting with political and community leaders to bring back normalcy in the district.
It was also decided to relax prohibitory orders in areas under Kasargod town police station for three hours Saturday evening.
The orders, issued Friday midnight, disallows opening of commercial establishments and educational institutions. This was apart from orders prohibiting assembly of four or more people in Kasargod town and in areas under the jurisdiction of neighbouring village councils.
Communal violence erupted in the district following the murder of a Bharatiya Janata Party activist at Kasargod town Tuesday.
Three more people lost their lives in separate incidents of violence in the following three days.
No violent incident was reported from the district Saturday.