Toronto : Commercialisation of air traffic control has significantly improved performance in terms of cost, safety, and technical modernisation, according to a study.
The study by a George Mason University team examined the performance of 10 air navigation service providers (ANSPs) from 1997 to 2004 and compared them to US Federal Aviation Administration benchmarks.
Researchers carried out a quantitative analysis of data provided by the ANSPs, verified by safety regulators.
They also conducted over 200 interviews with senior managers of such organisations, union representatives, regulators, policy officials and airline customers.
The evidence shows the success of the reforms is greatest when government micro-management is limited, and involves customers in decision-making.
Over the course of this study, costs have generally been reduced, service quality has improved, and several ANSPs have modernised workplace technologies.
The study proves that reforms have been effective in various ways and provide an understanding of the features of governance structures that lead to greater performance.
The study has been published in Canadian Public Administration, journal of the Institute of Public Administration.