New York : The UN mission in Iraq said Thursday it was ready to help Iraq’s parliament complete a set of electoral laws after it failed to reach an agreement before adjourning for the summer.
Iraqi legislators and political parties Wednesday failed to agree on the law, which may affect the holding of provincial elections in October. The electoral law was aimed at consolidating gains in establishing stronger security through the electoral process.
The mission, known as UNAMI, has been helping Iraq train thousands of Iraqis to handle voter registration and set up more voting centres nationwide. The mission’s one-year mandate was scheduled to be renewed by the UN Security Council Thursday.
UN spokeswoman Michelle Montas said at UN headquarters that UNAMI “stands ready to assist the parties in finding an agreement through the work of the parliamentarian committee”.
She said the UN had been urging the parliament and political parties to accept a compromise on the electoral law as soon as possible.
The US also had been urging the Iraqis to agree on the law hoping that it would prevent new outbreaks of violence. The planned October provincial elections would be the first in four years.
The last elections were boycotted by Arab Sunnis, who were a minority in the Shia-controlled Baghdad government.
UN Undersecretary General for Political Affairs B Lynn Pascoe told the UN Security Council Wednesday that UNAMI in the past year had been striving to implement its mandate of assisting Iraq’s political dialogue, national reconciliation and the resolution of disputed internal boundaries, as well as preparing the Iraqis for provincial elections.
“Without new electoral legislation, however, these critical governate elections cannot go forward,” Pascoe said, warning of the deadlock in the Iraqi parliament.
“The UN has been doing all it can to urge practical compromise,” he said, adding that failure to adopt the new electoral law would result in a “major setback … for the larger process of national reconciliation in Iraq.”