SMS about bombs in school leaves parents worried


New Delhi : Early morning panic calls rang in many homes in the capital and its suburbs Thursday as an SMS about a terror strike on a school did the rounds, prompting several parents to keep their children home and another school to shut down for the day.

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“We received phone calls from many parents saying they had received SMS messages about possible terror attacks on the school. We told them it was bogus and classes were running as usual,” said Manika Sharma, principal of the Shri Ram School, Vasant Vihar.

While the junior school is in Vasant Vihar, the senior school is in Gurgaon. Shri Ram also has another branch in Gurgaon.

All three branches functioned normally after a security drill.

As the news spread, some parents whose children had already left home rushed to bring them back.

Following reports of the bomb scare, the Heritage School, Vasant Kunj, decided to close for the day.

“There was some information about the bomb scare from nearby schools. So as a precautionary measure we decided to shut the school for the day,” said principal Shashi Banerjee.

However, Delhi Police officials denied receiving any complaint about a bomb scare in schools.

“In the wake of recent terror blasts, we have launched a awareness drive in schools and colleges. We have asked children to be alert and to immediately inform elders if they notice any suspicious thing inside school premises or anywhere else,” Deputy Commissioner of Police (southwest) Shalini Singh told IANS.