India urged to strengthen CBMs with Pakistan for prosperity

New Delhi, Feb 15 (APP): SAARC Chamber of Commerce and Industry (SCCI),Pakistan Chapter,has urged India to further strengthen confidence building measures with Pakistan for durable peace, development, progress and prosperity of the people of the region.
Talking to newsmen here Friday at Indra Gandhi International Airport prior to his departure for Lahore after representing Pakistan at a SAARC Chamber of Women Entrepreneur Council seminar on “Globalization-A Boon for Women’s Integration” Vice President,SCCI,Pakistan Chapter,veteran trade leader,Iftikhar Ali Malik,said that CMBs will help a lot to further promote bilateral trade,economic ties, stability in the region and anew interaction with the private sectors of both the countries.

He said that globalization has made economic integration an unavoidable phenomenon. He said our region has all the potential and resources to emerge as a strong regional power on the world map . He said that India and Pakistan,(both nuclear power) after

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addressing the core issues through parleys, if work together, can make the region, a fully developed block in the world by properly utilizing their indigenous resources,which, he added, will definitely overcome the menace of poverty and ensure better life standard of the people both the countries.

The intra-regional trade figures for South Asian are disappointing as trade in the region constitutes only 1.4 per cent of the total world imports and 1.2 per cent of exports whereas merchandise trade has been only 27.9 per cent of GDP,the lowest in the world, he added.

Iftikhar Ali Malik said that initially,Indo-Pak private sector can further enhance volume of existing trade of fresh edible items like wheat,sugar,cement etc through land routes as recently caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan Muhammadmian Soomro has inaugurated fully developed Customs Facilitation Centre at Wahga border for promoting trade between the two countries.

He said that “without business there will be no economic growth and unemployment will continue to swell in the region giving birth to abject poverty”.He said for achieving sustainable economic growth and active co-operation between Indo-Pak private sector,we have to overcome political disparities.He said altering mind sets and attitudes in the region can ensure political and social stability that will ultimately lead to economic prosperity of South Asia.

He said both private sectors are fully determined to co-operate with each other exclusively with a sole mission to help improve the living standard of their respective people.He said it is high time for India and Pakistan to establish more stronger understanding on all vital issues of international and regional importance for durable peace and prosperity in the region without compromising on their respective sovereign,integrity,security and solidarity.

Iftikhar Ali Malik said that new President SCCI Tariq Sayeed who hails from Pakistan is also fully committed to make SCCI,an effective body by establishing direct links with private sector of all developed countries as South Asia houses 1.4 billion of the world’s population thus representing a large workforce and tremendous investment opportunities.