Israeli forces execute incursion into Rafah


Gaza : Israeli forces executed an incursion early Thursday into two areas in Gaza Strip, amid heavy fire shooting at the homes of Palestinians.

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Palestinian security forces said the Israeli tanks and machinery executed the incursion into the eastern parts of Rafah City and launched a number of missiles.

The Israeli forces are centralized around Gaza’s international airport, east of Rafah, and special forces are breaking into homes and arresting Palestinians, they added.

Five Palestinians were killed and 15 others were injured in a similar incursion by Israeli forces at the same location on Monday.

Meanwhile, military sources said Israeli tanks and military vehicles also intruded early Thursday in Johr Al-Deek town near the borders separating Israel and Gaza Strip.

The forces are destroying the agricultural areas in the town and special units in the Israeli Army are breaking into Palestinian homes, they pointed out.

In the meantime, Israel military ships fired several missiles at the western parts of Bait Lahiya town, north of the Strip, causing damage in a number of homes, Palestinian security forces said.

The attack did not cause any casualties, they noted.

Israeli ships also opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats that were in the sea near the town.

The fishermen, who were not hurt, had to go back to shore to avoid Israeli bullets, however some of their boats were damaged.

On its part, the Israeli Army said two Palestinian missiles were fired from the Strip at Israel Wednesday evening.

Israeli Army spokesman told local radio that the missiles exploded in an open area near an Israeli town, without causing casualties or damage.

No Palestinian group claimed responsibility for the attack