EU desires swift formation of stable, functional government in Pakistan


Islamabad : The European Union Monday greeted the Pakistani people for their commitment to democratic development, rejection of extremist forces and hoped swift formation of a stable and functional government. A declaration on behalf of the European Union on the conduct of the general election in Pakistan, released simultaneously from Brussels and Islamabad, welcomed the holding of February 18 general election.

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“The elections provide a basis for a new democratic development in Pakistan,” the declaration said.

The EU while hoping to see swift move towards the formation of a stable and functional government stated the new setup can start addressing core issues for Pakistan’s future; including strengthening democratic system, reestablishment of an independent judiciary, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and issues related to regional peace and stability.

However, the EU regretted that not all political detainees including judges and lawyers have been released and thus prevented from taking part in the electoral process. The EU renewed its call for their immediate release and reiterated the need for freedom of the media.

The European Union reiterated its commitment to the people of Pakistan in helping them build a prosperous and stable society, based on the principle of democracy and the rule of law.

The successful deployment of a comprehensive EU Election Observation Mission during the elections is ample evidence of this continuing engagement.