Chinese FM urges early resumption of Iranian nuclear negotiations

By Xinhua

Beijing : Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi on Thursday night urged all concerned parties to resume the Iranian nuclear talks as soon as possible.

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“The Iranian nuclear issue is now at a crucial moment. China hopes all concerned parties, including Iran, make joint efforts to resume negotiations as soon as possible in a bid to promote the comprehensive and proper settlement of this issue,” Yang told Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili in their talks here.

Yang reiterated China’s consistent position on the Iranian nuclear issue, saying China has always advocated a peaceful solution to the issue through diplomatic negotiations, supported the international non-proliferation system, safeguarded regional peace and stability and made continuous efforts in this regard.

Jalili said Iran’s nuclear plan is completely of a peaceful nature. He added Iran appreciates China’s position of a peaceful solution and the country is ready to strengthen cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and resolve the issue through negotiations.

The two sides also exchanged views on bilateral ties. Yang said China is satisfied with the continuous progress of bilateral exchanges and cooperation in various fields in recent years and hopes both sides make joint efforts to make greater progress in the friendly and cooperative ties between the two countries.

Jalili said Iran and China have a friendly relationship and share a good basis of cooperation. He added Iran is ready to strengthen mutually beneficial cooperation with China in extensive fields.