N Korea: US Breaks 6-way Deals

By Prensa Latina

Pyongyang : The People’s Democratic Republic of Korea denounced on Wednesday the US is responsible for the delayed fulfilment of the 6-way agreements adopted in Beijing for denuclearization of the Korean peninsula.

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Rodong Sinmun daily, official organ of the Korean Workers’ Party, recalled in a commentary the US had committed to eliminate North Korea from the list of terror sponsors, and has not done so.

According to the document signed last year by China, the US, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and North Korea, the US had also promised to no longer apply the clauses of the Trading with the Enemy Act against Pyongyang.

North Korea has accomplished its part in the six-party talks, but the US has not, the text highlights.

This is the second time since the year began that North Korean authorities deny their responsibility for delays in the implementation of the agreements reached.

In a declaration early this month, the Korean chancellery explained it has had no option but to delay other pledges until the other parties begin accomplishing theirs.

The success or failure of denuclearization on the Korean peninsula depends on how honestly all the parties involved, particularly the US, fulfil their commitments, the daily added.