Paris : France said it would continue to evaluate its attitude towards Hezbollah in Lebanon “in function of what this organization represents and the manner in which it acts.” “Hezbollah is an important actor in Lebanese political life,” said French Foreign Ministry spokesman Eric Chevalier, in reaction to a British decision to place Hezbollah on its “terrorist” list.
He said that the resistance movement, which fought a bloody war with Israel in 2006 and was credited for its performance, has “a strong social base.” “We hope it will fully integrate Lebanons democratic life,” Chevalier said in answer to reporters questions.
“From the point of view of France, it is important to do everything to favour its anchoring as a fully Lebanese entity and exclusively political.” The British decision joins that of the United States, which has long pushed European countries to put Hezbollah on an “international” terrorist, something France has not been inclined to do because of the political and social activities of the resistance movement.