Pakistani minister to visit UN for Benazir killing probe

By Xinhua,

Islamabad : Pakistani Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Shah Qureshi would visit the UN headquarters in New York Tuesday for consultations with the world body for probe into the assassination of former prime minister Benazir Bhutto, an official said Thursday.

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Qureshi will hold consultations with Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon and representatives of the UN Security Council regarding Pakistan’s request for an international probe into Bhutto’s assassination, foreign ministry spokesman Muhammad Sadiq said at a press conference.

Bhutto, leader of Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP), was killed in a gun and bomb attack last December during a political rally.

Pakistan has submitted a formal request to the UN for investigation into Bhutto’s assassination. The request is being currently reviewed by the UN office of legal affairs.

After Bhutto was killed, President Pervez Musharraf asked for a Scotland Yard team to join in the investigation.

But the coalition government led by the PPP said the Scotland Yard team was given “limited mandate” during their probe, and was not authorised to investigate who were the persons behind the killing.

The PPP, now headed by Bhutto’s widower Asif Ali Zardari, has been asking for a UN probe into her assassination.

Besides the talks on a UN probe into Bhutto’s killing, the Pakistani foreign minister would also address a UN Security Council meeting on Afghanistan.

He is expected to meet the US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice in Washington, the spokesman said.