By reporter
Patna: The Bihar government issued a notification yesterday to give 300% dearness allowance (DA) to madrasa as well as Sanskrit teachers. The notification was signed by Anjani Kumar Singh, Principal Secretary of Department of Human Resource and Development.
The government of Bihar had decided to give 300 percent DA to madrasa teachers from 1st April which got final nod yesterday. Madrasa teachers are very happy with this decision and have welcomed this move.
Maulana Zaheerul Haque, president of All India Madrasa Teachers Association, and member of Bihar State Madrasa Board, has thanked Chief Minister Nitish Kumar for the move.
He demanded the state government to pay the teachers of 92 madrasas for girls, which are fulfilling all criterions and where official enquiry for their fulfillment of criterions has been completed, like other madrasa teachers. He also demanded that those madrasas for girls which could not fulfill the required conditions should be given one year time to meet all conditions. A memorandum comprising these demands was handed over to Naushad Ahmad, chairman of the State Minority Commission, Haque told to media.
He has also demanded to provide infrastructure to impart modern education in madrasas.
Meanwhile, Madrasa Teachers Welfare Association has demanded immediate implementation of the DA hike notification.
It should be noted that payment of madrasa teachers is due from April 2008 to till date.