Participants of long march vow to continue struggle – Nawaz Sharif


Islamabad : Pakistan Muslim League-N (PML-N) Quaid Nawaz Sharif on Saturday obtained commitment from thousands of participants of lawyers’ Long March to continue their struggle till the restoration of deposed judges.

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“Lets pledge that we will not give up our struggle till we achieve our collective goal of einstatement of deposed judges,” he said while addressing the historic long march at the Parade Ground.

He said that our struggle also aims at eliminating curse of dictatorship from the country for ever. “These dictators executed popular leaders and forced them to go in exile,” he said.

He said that the people of Pakistan gave their mandate against the dictator on Feb 18 but he still sticks to his seat.

He said today, this historic gathering in the capital has again given the same mandate.

“Pervez Musharraf should have stepped down by accepting the mandate given by the people in favour of the democratic forces. He himself had acknowledged that he took unconstitutional step on Nov 3, then why should we feel ashamed to reverting that illegal and unconstitutional step of the dictator.”

Nawaz Sharif said that dictators had disintegrated the country and now once again the country was on the brink of collapse due to illegal and irrational steps of President Musharraf during his eight- and – half- year rule.

Referring to the situation in Balochistan, he said policies of Pervez Musharraf’s have been the cause of bloodshed in the province.

Nawaz Sharif said on May 12 (last year) 50 innocent people were killed in Karachi.

But at this same venue , Musharraf said he would not hold an inquiry into the gory incident of Karachi.

Nawaz Sharif declared, however, he would hold an inquiry into 12 May incident and all those found guilty would meet their fate. “We will not provide a safe passage to Musharraf rather he will be made accountable for all his illegal actions including killing of innocent girl students of Jamia Hafsa.”

He said that the issue is not only restoration of deposed judges but also to reject unconstitutional steps taken on November 3.

Referring to the recent price hike and inflation, Nawaz Sharif said the people were facing this problem due to the bad policies adopted during the dictatorial regime.

He lauded the lawyers’ movement and said it was changing the destiny of the nation and thus pulling the country out of crisis.

He said that Parliament should listen to the voice and verdict of the masses and reinstate the deposed judges to honour the masses’ voice.

Nawaz Sharif praised the courage and aspirations of lawyers and the masses who had gathered at the Parade Ground despite inclement weather for making the long march a complete success.

He said that the issue of missing persons would be raised in the National Assembly.

He condemned in strong words the unprovoked US air strikes on Pakistani soil in which 11 paramilitary personnel embraced martyrdom.

He praised the role of media for highlighting the judges’ issue and other matters being faced by the country in a forceful and appropriate manner. He assured complete support to the media and said they will continue their struggle for free media.

Pakistan Tehrik-e-Insaf (PTI) Chief Imran Khan also addressed the rally saying PCO Judges were not acceptable at any cost as independence of judiciary was not possible in presence of these judges.

He said that entire nation want the restoration of pre-Nov 3 judiciary and called upon PML-N leader Nawaz Sharif to present a resolution to make deposed judges functional.

“Prosperity and progress of the nation is not possible in absence of free judiciary and supremacy of law” Imran Khan said.

Earlier, the long march which had started from Karachi on Monday reached the Federal Capital on Friday.

A large number of lawyers and people from the civil society including political activists had joined the march on its way from different cities to Islamabad.