Arab group to table Israeli settlement draft resolution in UN Security Council


United Nations : The Arab Group has decided unanimously to table a draft resolution calling on Israel to immediately stop the construction of settlements in the Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem.

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The draft, Palestinian envoy Riyad Mansour told Arab reporters here Tuesday, would be tabled by Libya, the only Arab member in the Security Council Thursday following the Council’s monthly briefing on the Middle East, with a vote not foreseen this month while the US, which opposes the Arab move, presides over the Council.

Mansour said the small Arab delegation — Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Mauritania and Palestine — mandated by the Arab Group earlier this month, met with all Council members earlier Tuesday and “we found a general support to the idea (of the draft) in the Council.”

He said “but of course, we need to deal with the details … when we move to the second stage and after that the experts will start working on the language” of the draft.

He described as a “very significant development” the Council members’ trip to Washington D.C. Wednesday. “I take it maybe they will be meeting with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice.

“I don’t know if this issue will come up. I hope that our brothers from Libya and maybe our friends in the Council might raise that issue with US officials and receive additional feedback as to the position of the US,” he said.

Rice last week expressed opposition to the Arab move in the Ccouncil, saying it is not the proper time to do it and it would harm the peace efforts.

“Our intention is to see a reaction from the Council, not to seek confrontation,” he said in answer to a question on whether he would push for a vote despite a US veto.

Mansour said Rice’s opposition did not deter the Arab Group and that it was “interesting that our brothers the Saudis, who initiated this exercise, Foreign Minister Saud Al-Faisal, raised the issue” with some Council ministers a few days ago.