Egypt opens Rafah crossing to admit wounded Palestinians

By Xinhua

Cairo : Egypt opened Rafah crossing along its border with the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip on Sunday to receive Palestinians wounded in Israeli raids, the official MENA news agency reported.

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Egyptian authorities sent ambulances to Rafah crossing to offer first aid to the wounded Palestinians, Egyptian Minister of Transport Mohamed Mansour was quoted as saying.

All wounded Palestinians who crossed into Egypt for medical care will be exempted of crossing fees, Mansour added.

Meanwhile, Egypt’s North Sinai Governor Ahmed Abdel Hamid said all hospitals in his governorate were on alert to receive wounded Palestinians.

Israeli troops have stepped up strikes against Gaza since Wednesday following the death of an Israeli civilian who was killed by a Qassam rocket in the southern Israeli town of Sderot.

According to earlier report on Sunday, two more Palestinians were killed in an Israeli airstrike into northern Gaza Strip and Israeli soldiers shot dead a boy in West Bank city of Hebron during clashes with residents protesting against the Israeli offensive into Gaza.

The latest air strike brings the death toll of five days of Israeli attacks into Gaza to more than 95, according to Palestinian paramedics.