By Reino Gevers, DPA
Hamburg : The gender battle is often fought out behind the wheel when men and women nag each other over their differing driving habits. But research indicates that it is genetic.
Psychologists say that both sides would benefit by accepting the other person’s strengths and weaknesses.
“He drives faster and is always closer to the car in front.” She screams: “Brake! Slow down, do you want to kill us?” He retorts: “Don’t tell me how to drive! I’m just keeping up with the traffic flow.”
Psychologists say this type of conflict is typical. Men can estimate distances better as their ancestors had to scan the horizon while hunting for prey.
Women are more cautious as they are programmed to taking more responsibility for children and the weaker members of the family.
German traffic psychologist Bernhard Schlag says when a passenger criticises the driving style, this is usually the main trigger of conflict and is then met with criticism from the driver about route directions.
“The driver should adapt his driving to the needs of passengers and accept justified criticism,” Schlag says, and advises the driver to tell the passenger in no uncertain terms that he does not want to be distracted.
Drivers, who seldom sit in the passenger seat, find it most difficult to deal with a different driving style, the expert says.
“It is a feeling of estrangement, even helplessness with every fifth person even expressing naked fear,” the professor says citing research he has undertaken.
However, the study revealed that the risk of a male driver with a woman passenger at his side having an accident was five times lower than if he were driving alone.
According to German accident statistics, most accidents are in fact caused by young men aged between 18 and 25. European accident insurer Axa found that every third young man in this group is prone to occasionally “test his limits”.
They were found to be more aggressive in their driving than women in the same age group. But from the age of 30 upwards, there was no marked gender difference, according to the survey among 1,000 motorists.
Men cause more accidents but they also clock up significantly more kilometres. Women do most of their driving close to home and only drive when they have to, the researchers found.
People, who are successful in life, can seldom be found misbehaving in traffic, according to the traffic psychologists. Difficult drivers are those who have “to prove something” and would in normal life often be withdrawn types.
“For most men the car is still the symbol of masculinity,” says Berlin-based psychologist Konrad Sprai.
Thus most drivers of high-powered cars such as Porsche, Mercedes, BMW or Audi are considered male while women tend to buy a car for more practical purposes, and choose small cars such as the MINI, Smart, Fiat or VW Polo.
Safety measures should focus far more on gender differences and age groups, according to the Berlin-based traffic psychologist Peter Klepzig. But when it comes down to it, the same applies to driving as to life in general.
“Both sides should remain calm and pay attention to the other person’s needs,” he says.