NAM pleased with outcome of Iran-IAEA work on modality plan


Vienna : The Non-Aligned Movement on Wednesday expressed pleasure with the outcome of Iranian cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), which led to the February 22 report to the Board of Governors.

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“NAM is very pleased to note that, as a result of the joint endeavors of the IAEA Secretariat and Iran, significant achievements have been made in the implementation of the Work Plan,” the NAM member states told the Board of Governors in a statement.

“Taking into account the Director General’s Report to this Board of Governors and also the results reported by the Secretariat on this issue to the September and November 2007 sessions of the Board, NAM notes with satisfaction that all the six “outstanding issues”, reflected in the paragraphs I.2 and II of the Work Plan, have been resolved.

“NAM expresses its appreciation for the proactive cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran with the Agency in the implementation of the agreed Work Plan that concluded these outstanding issues in a shorter time than originally planned. NAM welcomes this substantive progress and expects that the safeguards implementation in Iran shall be conducted in a routine manner,” the statement added.

The 118-member bloc notes “that the Agency has not detected the use of nuclear material in connection with the alleged studies, nor does it have credible information in this regard”.

“NAM is of the view that the objectives of briefings organized by the Secretariat should be to explain the contents of the official documents circulated beforehand.”

The technical briefing held on 25 February on this Agenda item, however, went beyond the Director General’s Report on this matter.

Furthermore, NAM emphasizes that the work of the Board of Governors should only be based on official, credible, verifiable, factual and timely information

“NAM takes note that the Director General expressed once again that the Agency is able to verify the non-diversion of declared material in Iran, and that Iran has provided the Agency with access to declared nuclear material, and has provided the required nuclear material accountancy reports in connection with declared nuclear material and activities,” it continued.

NAM also notes that the Agency has not found indications of on-going reprocessing activities in Iran.

“NAM would like to highlight that the Report of the Director General, according to which “the Agency’s knowledge about Iran’s current declared programme has become clearer.”

“NAM reiterates the importance of maintaining the impartiality and professionalism of the Secretariat of the IAEA and once again rejects any undue pressure or interference in the Agency’s activities, especially in its verification process, which will jeopardize its efficiency and credibility.”

“While reiterating its principled position that diplomacy and dialogue are the only way for a solution of Iran’s nuclear issue, NAM encourages all member states to contribute positively to that effect.

“NAM also expects all concerned parties to avoid taking any measures which put at risk the constructive process between Iran and the Agency,” the statement said.