Mumbai : The editor of Shiv Sena’s mouthpiece ‘Saamna’ Wednesday said it would reply to the explanation sought by the Lok Sabha from party supremo Bal Thackeray about the objectionable comments he made in an article about MPs belonging to Bihar and Uttar Pradesh.
“We will reply to the notice and express our sentiments and feelings in the reply to the Lok Sabha. The article written by Bal Thackeray is not illegal in any sense,” Sanjay Raut, editor of Saamna, told IANS.
He said that Saamna represented Maharashtra and the article by Thackeray was an opinion since it was an editorial piece.
Maharashtra Navnirman Sena (MNS) vice-president Baghish Saraswat, meanwhile, said: “All political parties advocating the cause of the Marathi community should join hands and work for the betterment of the community.”
Farooq Ghosi, president of the Samajwadi Party’s youth wing, hailed the Lok Sabha’s move.
“It is a good move against Bal Thackeray. The Lok Sabha should not stop at only sending a notice, strict action should also be taken against the Shiv Sena chief.”