Kannur (Kerala) : The police conducted searches at various places in Kannur district Thursday and recovered swords and illicit, country-made bombs.
The district witnessed violent clashes between the Communist Party of India – Marxist (CPI-M) and the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) for four days from March 5, which left seven people dead.
The police seized 12 country-made bombs and three swords from areas under Chokli, Kolavallur and Panoor police stations.
Talking to reporters here, Inspector General of Police Kannur range V. Santharam said the police would intensify searches in the district.
The district authorities Wednesday withdrew the order banning assembly of more than four people, imposed in Thalassery town and surrounding areas.
The CPI-M led government will hold an all-party meeting here Saturday to discuss measures to prevent violent political clashes in the district.