United Nations : The UN Security Council called on the government of Myanmar Friday to ensure an “inclusive and credible” political process in the country.
Unanimously adopting a presidential statement, the 15-member body reaffirmed, “its commitment to the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Myanmar and, in that context, reiterates that the future of Myanmar lies in the hands of all of its people.”
In the non-binding document, the council noted the announcement of the government that Myanmar will hold a referendum on a draft constitution in May this year and elections in 2010 as well as its commitment to ensuring that the referendum process will be “free and fair.”
The council underlined the need for Myanmar “to create an atmosphere conducive to an inclusive and credible process, including the full participation of all political actors and respect for fundamental freedoms.”
The council also reaffirmed “its unwavering support” for UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon’s good offices mission and expressed appreciation for his special advisor Ibrahim Gambari.
It encouraged the government and all parties concerned to “cooperate fully with the United Nations” and welcomed the “important role” of the Association of South East-Asian Nation (ASEAN) in supporting the UN’s good offices mission.