Tehran : Years after the occupation of a land by Israeli occupiers, the foundation of the Zionist regime reminds anyone of killing and driving thousands of Palestinians out of their homes.
Having declared independence in 1948, the Zionist regime managed to bring in a huge number of Jews from across the world to Palestinian occupied lands, promising immigrants a better life in a Jewish society.
But the regime, on the 60th anniversary of its foundation, is facing several social problems caused by disharmonious population.
An Israeli police official says moral and social problems are now a main threat to the Israeli regime. Followings are examples to show the diminishing moral values.
Slavery is one of the factors increasing insecurity in Israel.
Israel is called ‘heaven of human traffickers’, as far as incomes from slavery are concerned. A United Nations report in 2006 put Israel among the top ten countries, out of 137.
Israeli parliament the same year released a report announcing that between 3,000 to 5,000 women from countries such as Ukraine, Moldavia, Uzbekistan, Russia, Belarus, China, Philippine, and Thailand annually enter Israel where they are sexually abused.
In addition to human trafficking, mainly targeting women, depravity has sharply increased among Israeli girls and women. The Jerusalem Post reported that prostitution age has declined from 16 to 10 in recent years.
Multi-cultural phenomenon existed in immigrant-receiving societies is one of the main reasons behind the increase in crimes. In a society like Israel in which moral and financial corruption of its top officials are hot stories of the world media, it’s natural that crimes by ordinary people become a routine. Making roadblocks, aggressive behavior to police, murder, sex abuse, child abuse, robbery and extortion are among these crimes.
Interesting point is that the real number of crimes is much more than what is registered in Israel’s statistics center, since the official data only include crimes that are reported to police offices.
Drug Use:
Drug trafficking and the unbridled use of narcotics is increasing in Israel too. According to Israeli sources, at least seven percent of adults and 10 percent of the youth are addicted to one type of narcotics, mostly consuming marijuana, heroin, and Ecstasy, which are respectively imported from Turkey, Thailand, and the Netherlands.
According to Jerusalem Post, hundreds tons of these narcotics are annually sold in Israel. Israeli police officials say over 20,000 cases of drug exchanges in public are reported in a year.
Poverty and Unemployment:
Many social problems in Israel are rooted in an increasing rate of poverty and unemployment. The Zionist regime is still promising high incomes and comfortable life to Jews across the world and encouraging them to immigrate to occupied lands, while the poverty and unemployment rates are sharply increasing due to improper foreign investment, higher imports than exports, and ignorance of government officials of social and economic priorities.
According to Israel’s statistics center, unemployment rate currently stands at 9.3 percent, a figure incomparable with those in Western countries to which Israel claims has equal conditions.
Israel’s national insurance institute also says one out of three Israeli children is living below poverty line. The terrible economic situation shows itself in strikes more and often occurring by various classes of societies, such as government organizations, academics, and teachers.
The disharmonious population structure, resulted by Zionist’s efforts to increase Jewish population and create a new nation without a historical identity, is the main reason behind the increasing insecurity in Israel. In other words, the increase of crimes and social aggressions in addition to other issues such as homosexuality is a heavy price the Zionist regime is paying for increasing the number of its population.