Opposition lawmaker: Lebanon’s rivals agree to end crisis

By Xinhua,

Beirut : Lebanon’s ruling coalition and the Hezbollah-led opposition agreed on Wednesday in their Doha talks to end their political conflict that has pushed the country to the brink of a civil war, said an opposition lawmaker.

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The opposition lawmaker, Ali Hassan Hariri, said that leaders of the rival Lebanese factions have reached agreement to resolve their 18-month political crisis after five days of intensive talks in Qatar.

Meanwhile, local TV stations also confirmed that the two sides agreed on the election of a president, formation of a national unity government and a new electoral law, with the latter being the sticking point for the last two days of talks.

According to NBN TV channel, a formal announcement was expected on Wednesday morning in a ceremony hosted by the Emir of Qatar, and Opposition-aligned Parliament Speaker Nabih Berri was expected to call Parliament into session to elect a president.

At the same time, local Future TV channel also reported that representing the parliamentary majority, quoted Telecommunications Minister Marwan Hamadeh as saying that the election of a president would take place in Beirut within 48 hours.

Lebanese rival leaders have reached a deadlock Tuesday over the election law after four days of talks in Qatar capital Doha.

Lebanese rival leaders have been in Qatar since Saturday trying to reach an agreement on the national unity government and the election law in order to “crown” this agreement by electing the consensus president.

Doha talks are aimed at solving the long ongoing political crisis in the country, which turned violent between pro-government and opposition supporters about two weeks ago.