Desmond Tutu Shocked with Gaza Situation

By Prensa Latina,

Gaza : South African Bishop and Nobel Peace price winner Desmond Tute voiced shock for the living conditions of the Palestines on whom Israel forces economic and financial restrictions.

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In press conference in Gaza, Tutu lashed at the blockade imposed on the region since Jun 14, 2007, leaving 1.5 million residents in extreme poverty.

I have seen plenty of suffering and a painful reality, said Tutu who described the infrastructure ravaged by Israel systematic military attacks and the void in the streets where “children neither laugh nor play.”

Tel Aviv imposed a tight economic and financial blockade on Gaza, and banned all border passage of people, merchandise and fuel.

Meanwhile, massive military strikes killed over 1,000 people since November 2007 after Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and Israeli Premier Ehud Olmert pledged to sign peace accords at the Conference of Annapolis.

Tutu arrived Tuesday with a UN mission in Gaza from Egypt since Tel Aviv denied him entry visa, to probe Israel November 2006 slaughter in Beit Hanun that killed 19 Palestinians, including five women and four children, plus 30 wounded.

“What we have seen confirm totally unacceptable developments,” said the Archbishop who conveyed sympathy for the victims of the massacre caused by 155 mm missiles shot against Palestinian civilians.