India-Sri Lanka power ‘transmission link’ project to be launched soon

By NNN-Govt Portal,

Colombo : The Government of Sri Lanka and India will shortly implement a Indian rupees 10,000 million underwater transmission link project between the two countries.

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As reported by the Financial Express on April 13, both Governments have given top priority to this project and are expected to sign an MoU soon, paving the way to the appointment of an agency to carry out a comprehensive under sea survey.

The proposed survey is likely to be completed in six months, after which a detailed report will be submitted.

The proposed undersea survey is necessary, prior to the laying of the cables. The cable survey will look into the traffic of ships in the area, depth, earthquake zones and volcanic activities as well as the presence of sharks.

The link is likely to connect Madurai in Tamil Nadu and Anuradhapura. The transmission line is expected to consist of 400 KV HVDC overhead lines from Madurai to the Indian coast (near Rameshwaram (139 km), a 400 KV HVDC cable from the Indian sea coast to the Sri Lankan sea coast (39 km), and a 400 KV HVDC overhead line from the Sri Lankan coast to Anuradhapura/Puttalam (125km).