London : Britain, America’s closest ally on the international stage, Wednesday rejoiced at the election of Barack Obama as the 44th president of the US after eight years of domestic division over the Iraq war.
“This is a moment that will live in history as long as history books are written,” said Prime Minister Gordon Brown, who came to power last year after his predecessor Tony Blair was forced to step down over Britain’s involvement in the US-led invasion of Iraq.
Blair was successful in building a relationship with US President George W. Bush although his Labour Party is traditionally closer to the Democrats.
Brown, who was said to have distanced himself from Bush after becoming premier, described Obama as “a true friend” of Britain and said America and Europe must now stop any moves toward trade protectionism.
“I know that the values we share in common and the policies on which we can work together will enable to us, as two countries, to come through these difficult economic times and build a safer and more secure society for the future,” the British leader said.
“It’s been an important election. I think the most important thing that follows from it is that America and Europe will have to work together to deal with the international problems we face, not just the financial crisis but also stopping protectionism, making sure we work for stability and particularly peace in the Middle East,” he added.
Brown, whose handling of the financial crisis has seen him bounce back after trailing in domestic opinion polls, can also expect to benefit from the transatlantic party relationship now that America has a Democratic president, analysts said.