Palestine: No Peace if Prisoners Not Released

By Prensa Latina,

Ramallah : President of the Palestinian National Authority (PA), Mahmoud Abbas, ruled out a peace agreement with Israel without a mass release of Palestinian prisoners and defended the struggle for an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital.

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“The Palestinian leadership will follow Yasser Arafat’s example until a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital is established,” said Abbas in a speech before thousands of followers outside the PA headquarters in the Mukataa on occasion of the fourth anniversary of the Palestinian historic leader’s death.

Abbas highlighted the path taken by the shahids (Muslim martyrs), including Arafat and George Habash (the founder of the Palestine Liberation Front.)

He also mentioned the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas’) spiritual leader Sheikh Ahmed Yassin, whom he described as “the example we preserve, as they embody the determination to defend Palestinian sovereignty and nationalism.”

Abbas stressed that his government would not accept any peace pact with the Israelis unless it includes the release of all prisoners and urged Hamas “to go to the polls immediately or let us hold a referendum.”

Hamas rejects the extension of Abbas’ term beyond January 9, when elections should be held, while the PA deems necessary to extend his performance due to the current situation marked by division and confrontation in occupied territories.