Indonesia sends 1,136 troops for UN peace mission in Lebanon

By Xinhua,

Jakarta : The Indonesian government sent another 1,136 personnel of the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) to Lebanon to join the United Nations Interim Force (UNIFIL) there to help maintain security in the region, the national Antaranews agency quoted a military officer on Tuesday.

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“The role of TNI in the UN mission to keep peace always gets a positive appraisal, including the assignment of TNI in Lebanon in the past years. The positive evaluation comes not only from the UN but also from the people and the government of Lebanon,” said Djoko Santoso, the TNI Commander.

The soldiers will be led by Lt Col. R. Haryono, Djoko said.

The 1,136 TNI personnel consists of 11 HQB East Staff Officers, 850 members of Garuda XXIII-C contingent, 50 members of Garuda XXVI-A contingent and 75 members of Garuda XXV-A contingent and others.

The assignment of TNI in the UN peace mission is an indication of the international world’s trust in Indonesia, General Santoso said.

For that reason, he added, the UN asks Indonesia to once again send its troops to Lebanon to help maintain peace there.