Sri Lanka Conflict Heats up India

By Martin Hacthoun, Prensa Latina,

New Delhi : Sri Lanka will send a delegation to India next week to try to calm political tensions around the military offensive against the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (TLTE) separatist group.

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The Sri Lankan army stepped up actions and is very close to taking possession of Kilinochchi, capital of separatist rebels in northern Sri Lanka.

Politicians from the Indian state Tamil Nadu have sparked off a strong campaign against the Colombo government.

Even the Prime Minister of that southern state M. Karunanidhi called New Delhi to get involved in the Sri Lanka situation as when India declared war on Pakistan in 1971 to help supporters of the pro-independence movement of the then Eastern Pakistan to found an independent Bangladesh.

The political chief made that declaration after 14 legislators from his party at the Indian Parliament resigned in protest of what they considered New Delhi’s apathy over the Tamil suffering in Sri Lanka.

Tami Nadu is so agitated that a mob attacked The Hindu newspaper’s headquarters and burnt over 2,500 of its copies.

That vandalistic act was developed after that nationwide publication said that every Indian aid to the Tamil community in Sri Lanka should be channeled through the Sri Lankan government, the UN and non Governmental Organizations. Under this political pressure the Indian government has reiterated its concern for the humanitarian situation in northern Sri Lanka.