PFLP rejects extending Gaza ceasefire unilaterally by Hamas

By Xinhua,

Gaza : The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) on Monday said current ceasefire in the Gaza Strip should not be extended by a single Palestinian movement, referring to Islamic Hamas movement.

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The remarks came as the Egyptian-brokered six-month ceasefire between Hamas and Israel will end in December.

“The PFLP calls for discussing this issue (the extension) in the framework of the Palestinian factions to get the lesson of the current lull which Israel works to turn it into own victory,” said PFLP top official in Gaza, Kayed al-Ghoul.

The factions criticized Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, for accepting and imposing the ceasefire without enough consultations with the rest of the armed groups.

The deal was designated to ease sanctions Israel imposed on Gaza after Hamas seized power there in 2007. However, Hamas itself said Israel did not allow free flow of cargo into the coastal Strip despite the ceasing of cross-border violence.

The ceasefire deal “did not achieve any interest for our people and it was proved that the lull virtually serve the Israeli government more than the Palestinian people,” al-Ghoul went on.

Al-Ghoul said his movement will oppose a long-term ceasefire with Israel “as long as it remains occupying the Palestinian lands.”

The truce deal took effect on June 19, according to which, Israel has to ease Gaza blockade and stop its military operations there in exchange for halting Palestinian rocket attacks against Israel.

Since the violent takeover of Gaza by radical Hamas, Palestinian militants have launched rockets from the territory against southern Israeli communities almost daily, while Israel has imposed a tightened blockade against what it brands a “hostile entity.”