Mumbai : The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) Thursday raided the Sahar International Airport’s cargo complex after a New Delhi-based electronics company was found to have evaded import duties of a whopping Rs.26 million.
According to a CBI official, customs inspector B.P. Pandhare has been accused of clearing the consignment of Marshall Electronics, owned by prominent businessman Sunil Gupta.
The company, according the premier investigating agency, has not paid the custom duty for the imported consignment received at Mumbai Feb 8 this year.
Shortly after Pandhare cleared the consignment, the Department of Revenue Intelligence (DRI) investigated the matter before it was taken over by the CBI. The CBI lodged a case Aug 30.
Marshall Electronics is a prominent brand of premium electronic goods whose brand ambassador is Bharatiya Janata Party leader and actor Shatrughan Sinha.