Mumbai : Emergence of India and China as economic power blocs will change the existing world order in the next two decades, a senior aide to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama said here Thursday.
“They will have the power to change the existing world order and that would mark the end of an American era that began with the Cold War,” said Dr. Philip Gordon, advisor to Obama on foreign policy.
He was addressing an interactive session on “The Geopolitics of Emerging Global Powers,” organized by the Confederation of Indian Industry (CII), Western Region.
Gordon remarked that as economies of both India and China are charging ahead, both the countries are poised to play greater roles on the international stage in the coming years.
“My guess is that, as things stand today, in the next two decades, the United States will lose its sole superpower status and the countries which will share it with US would be India and China by virtue of their economic strength,” said the academician, who is Senior Fellow for US Foreign Policy at the Brookings Institution, Washington, D.C.
Gordon explained that the economic rise of a country naturally led to assumption of political power and India and China would be well-equipped to hold that position on the international scene within the next two decades.
In view of the above, it is important that America, as sole superpower today, engages India and China for resolving more and more international conflicts. On their part, both the future superpowers need to share the American concerns in this regard, he urged.
Dismissing the argument that, as sole superpower, America was now pushing its way at will and poking its nose everywhere, Gordon pointed out that though many of the steps taken by the Bush administration might seem so on the surface, the primary intention of the President George Bush was to bring stability in the strife-torn areas.
“As no other countries initiated the process for bringing about international stability, America ends up looking as if it is pushing its way at will,” he said.
Making an indirect reference to the consequences of the Iraq war, the American foreign policy expert remarked that major wars are no longer acceptable, economically as well as politically, to resolve conflicts.
Replying to a question as to why America now seemed to be shifting its interest from Pakistan to India, Gordon said alliance between countries are forged not out of good feeling towards each other but out of national and international interests.