Jharkhand to announce Rs.15 million reward for Maoist rebels


Ranchi : The Jharkhand police have drawn up a list of 60 hardcore Maoist rebels against whom an overall cash reward of Rs.15 million will be announced soon, police sources said Sunday.

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The list of the 60 rebels has been sent to the state home department for clearance.

“The Maoist rebels belong to different outlawed groups. Those included in the list are of the rank of zonal commander, sub zonal commander, area commander and others,” a police source told IANS.

He added: “The cash reward varies between Rs.150,000 to Rs.500,000 depending on the rank of the Maoist rebel”.

The list has names of top Maoist rebels of banned outlawed groups Communist Party of India-Maoist (CPI-Maoist), Jharkhand Liberation Tigers (JLT) renamed as People Liberation Front of India (PLFI) and others, police sources said.

Police have proposed five categories of cash rewards depending on the ranks of the rebels.

Central committee members of the outlawed groups would carry the highest cash reward of Rs.500,000, RS.400,000 for zonal commander rank rebels, Rs.300,000 for sub zonal commanders, Rs.200,000 for area commanders, and Rs.150,000 for hardcore rebels.

Dinesh Gope, the head of JLT will carry a cash reward of Rs.500,000.

The 60 hardcore Maiost rebels will carry an overall cash reward of Rs.15 million, police sources said.

Once the proposal is cleared by the state home department, the police will come out with posters, banners, pamphlets and advertisement in newspapers with names and the reward amount put on the rebels.

In Jharkhand, five Maoist organizations are active. The CPI-Maoist has strong presence in the state and JLT is the second largest group of Maoist rebels. JLT is active in at least seven districts of the state.

Maoist rebels are active in 18 of the 24 districts of the state. In the last seven years more than 1,300 persons, including civilians and Maoist rebels, have been killed.