Lucknow : The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Thursday accused Akhilesh Das, the Bahujan Samaj Party (BSP) Lok Sabha candidate from Lucknow, of luring voters by distributing gifts.
“The BSP Lucknow candidate is distributing gifts like watches, shirts and others items to the voters for garnering their support,” BJP legislator Vidya Sagar Gupta told reporters here Thursday.
All such gifts carry the image of an elephant – the election symbol of the BSP, according to the BJP leader.
In a letter to the state’s election officials sent Thursday, Gupta said: “We have demanded that Das should be booked for violating the model code for the elections.”
The BJP has also complained to the election officials that Das and his supporters were putting up the party’s banners in government colonies, defying the code of conduct.
“Flagrantly violating the norms, Das and his supporters have put up banners in a government railway colony and at various public places,” said Suresh Srivastava, another BJP legislator.