Thai prime minister’s vehicle attacked

By Xinhua,

Bangkok : The Thai prime minister’s vehicle was trapped among angry protesters Tuesday afternoon in Pattaya before he finally escaped, Thai media reported.

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According to the Nation’s website, the attack happened at 1.15 p.m. when Abhisit Vejjajiva’s official car and a security vehicle were caught in a traffic jam at an intersection in Pattaya, after they had just escaped anti-government protesters at the Cliff Beach Hotel, the venue for cabinet meeting.

Two people on a motorcycle, who were from the rally at the hotel, recognised Abhisit’s car and alerted others, the report said.

The security officials then moved Abhisit to another vehicle so as to escape the protesters. But the protesters quickly increased to about 50 and surrounded both cars, pelting the vehicles with water bottles and hitting with feet clappers, the report said.

According to the website, when security officials were escorting Abhisit to the other vehicle, a woman waded through the police and stuck her head inside the vehicle to shout at the prime minister.

After an about-three-minute tussle, the prime minister’s car managed to escape the siege but some protesters ran after it and broke the rear window before it finally got away.

Earlier in the day, about 400 people gathered in front of the Royal Cliff Beach Hotel, where Abhisit and other cabinet members were holding a meeting, yelling their demand for resignation of the prime minister and foreign minister, as well as a new general election.