Imam Bukhari Calls for floating Muslim outfits


New Delhi: The Shahi Imam of Delhi Jama Masjid, Maulana Syed Ahmad Bukhari said that the Muslims have been exploited by pseudo-secular politicians for too long as a vote bank to grab the powers and that the time has come to float a new political party commanded and led by Muslims themselves to address their problems and issues.

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“The Indian Muslims have always preferred the Hindu leadership over their own community and extended full support to regional parties claiming to be secular” said Maulana Bukhari adding “But all of these parties have given nothing to us except riots, deprivation, illiteracy, unemployment and exploitation.” He was giving the weekly Friday sermons.

Coming down heavily on the so-called Muslim leaders and so-called secular parties Imam Bukhari mentioned that he faced stiff opposition from so-called Muslim leaders and so-called secular parties when he first expressed the need for an all Muslim political party during a rally at Ram Lila Grounds, Delhi in 2000”.

“When I suggested that Muslims should form their own party on the principle of own leadership, own politics and own power, I was strongly opposed by many in the political circles. It was because these leaders feared that all Muslim party will mark the end of their political careers” he said adding “In a parliamentary democracy like India, there is a need to strike a balance of power. But non-representation of Muslims in the legislature has led to passing of several such laws which are against the spirit of Islamic Shari’ah and the community has been deprived of a dignified living.”

“In view of this, I firmly believe that the problems of the Muslim community will remain until they are politically strong”, stressed Maulana Bukhari. Talking about United Progressive Alliance (UPA) whose partners contesting elections against each other, Maulana Bukhari said that these parties are fighting each other instead of fighting against communal forces. “These parties sought Muslim votes in the name of fighting communal forces and enjoyed powers for five years. But now they do not hesitate to join hands with people like Kalyan Singh to grab power again” stated Imam Bukhari.

“These parties are just power-hungry and not interested in taking forward the secular agenda”, he blamed. Accusing the Congress of encouraging communal forces, Maulana Bukhari alleged, “The Congress party has not only nurtured communalism but also encouraged communal forces during its rule at the Centre. It is the Congress party which is responsible for the social, political and economical backwardness of Muslims”.

Shahi Imam Maulana Syed Ahmad Bukhari said until the idea of an all-Muslim party takes shape the community should choose parties and individual who believe and commit in providing opportunities to them. He also called upon the Muslims to come out in large numbers to exercise their franchise in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections as they have done in the past. He also announced full support to Congress Party candidate Kapil Sibbal. The Shahi Imam also declared that if the Congress Party replaces Jagdeesh Tytler with a Muslim candidate then he will extend his full support to him.