Maoist leaders to be probed over lifestyle


Kathmandu : After deposed king Gyanendra, whose property was to have been investigated by a succession of governments, it is now the turn of his arch enemy, the Maoists, to face a similar probe — by their own comrades.

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Facing growing allegations that some of their top leaders were leading an opulent lifestyle, owned luxurious cars and had invested millions in businesses, the Maoist party, which calls itself the party for the dispossessed, has formed a committee to probe the lifestyles and assets of senior leaders.

Headed by Mohan Vaidya Kiran, one of the three deputy chairmen of the party, a three-member committee has been asked to submit its report within three months.

The party leadership has also slapped a code of conduct on members to prevent financial aberrations.

Asking members to cut down on spending, the party has asked them to submit accounts of their earnings and expenditure every three months. They are not to take up jobs without the party’s permission or be involved with NGOs or INGOs.

They have also been asked not to rent houses outside their areas of work or send their children abroad for education. Private and expensive schools have also been vetoed for the children of party members.

Only the top leaders – members of the standing committee – have permission to ride a car while the lower-level leaders are allowed to use motorcycles `if the need arises’.

All senior leaders have been asked to hand over their personal properties to the party and take part in physical labour for the party once in two months or every month, according to seniority.

The diktat has been extended to the families of party members as well. They have to be associated with at least one party organisation.

Party members have also been asked not to indulge in `collecting donations’ and warned that if they do, they would face strong action.