Tangible results during Manmohan’s US visit, says envoy


New Delhi: Setting the tone for Prime Minister Manmohan Singh’s official visit to Washington in November, US ambassador to India Timothy J. Roemer Wednesday said the “most tangible results of the partnership” would be announced during the trip.

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“We intend to announce some of the most tangible results of our partnership this November, when Prime Minister Singh travels to Washington for an official visit,” the US envoy told reporters here.

Manmohan Singh will go to Washington Nov 24 for the first state visit to be hosted by President Barack Obama.

Alluding to the burgeoning India-US strategic partnership, Roemer stressed that Obama regarded India as “one of the most important partnerships for America’s future.”

“We plan to move from the good work done and the goodwill earned between our countries over the past decade to build a truly global partnership addressing both our nations’ top concerns and promises of better health for our children’s futures,” he said.

The envoy recalled that before he came to India, he met Obama for nearly an hour to discuss the US-India relationship. “Aside from the good advice he offered me about getting out of New Delhi to meet Indians all around this country, he spoke warmly and respectfully about Prime Minister Singh,” he said.

The envoy recalled that during their discussion at the White House, Obama touched his heart and said: “You make sure that you extend my heartfelt wishes to the prime minister and his health.”

Referring to extensive people-to-people contacts, the envoy stressed that “the real test of our partnership will be how we work together on the important common global challenges of our era.”